How to setup iSCSI server (target) on FreeBSD system


You can read more about iSCSI here. This tutorial was completed on FreeBSD 13.0-p1. This is fairly simple, three step process. Create a file to store data in, create a config file for ctld and enable service on boot up.

Create a storage file

Let’s begin by creating a data storage file using dd utility. Pick a location and size of the file you want to create. In my example I’m creating a file named target0-0 inside of /datastore directory with the size of 512Gb.

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/datastore/target0-0 bs=1G count=512

Create a config file

Now you need to create a config file in /etc/ctl.conf for ctld daemon. This example also includes authentication for added security. It should look something like this, but edit to suite your own environment:

auth-group ag0 {
	chap username1 secretpassword
	chap username2 anothersecretpassword

portal-group pg0 {
	discovery-auth-group no-authentication
	listen [::]

target {
	auth-group ag0
	portal-group pg0
	lun 0 {
		path /datastore/target0-0
		size 512G

If you don’t want to use authentication, just remove any references to auth-group from the config file.

Start service and enable on boot up

Edit /etc/rc.conf file and add ctld_enable=”YES” line at the end of the file. Now start the service with the commands:

# service ctld start
# service ctld reload


At this point you should be able to connect your client(s) to this iSCSI target. Your client can be another BSD box, Linux or Windows.