Install Webmin on FreeBSD

How to install Webmin on FreeBSD system Intro Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for UNIX systems. Available and supported on many different Linux and BSD versions. This tutorial was completed using FreeBSD version 12. Step 1. Install Install Webmin via command line: root@freebsd:# pkg install webmin Answer yes to install all necessary…

Encryption with LUKS

How to encrypt media with LUKS and mount it on Debian 10 system start up Getting ready Prepare the device you want to encrypt. This can be a full disk, partition, mdadm device, LVM, also removable devices like USB flash drive, SD card, ZIP drive, etc. Install cryptsetup software on your system: $ sudo apt…

How to check if backup destination is mounted, in BASH script, before running a backup job.

This article is about running backup job only if destination mount point exists on the system. This script was tested on Ubuntu LTS 18 and 20. Both, desktop and server versions. You can get Ubuntu from here. BASH script, Part One I need to check if backup destination is mounted before backup job begins. Destination…

ZFS on Linux

How to manage ZFS on your Ubuntu or Debian Linux. This tutorial was tested on Debian 10, Ubuntu 18 and 20 both, Server and Desktop editions. I’m not going into details about what is ZFS. I’m assuming you already know this. Getting ready Install support for ZFS on Ubuntu with this command: $sudo apt install…